Moonglow to Papua Mage Shops

Moonglow Mage Shop
First Seen: T2A
Coordinates: Moonglow Mage 67-45’N, 133-28’W
Facet: Trammel and Felucca

Moonglow_mage_mapMoonglow_magekrThe two mage shop pentagrams allow for travel between Britannia and the Lost Lands. To use the magic, walk on or near the pentagram and utter the magic word.

From Britannia find the mage shop located on the far Northern tip of Moonglow. Inside the shop is a pentagram. Say the word: recdu, to travel to the Papua Magic Shop.

Moonglow Mage Shop
First Seen: T2A
Coordinates: Papua Magic Shop 7-17’S, 14-7’W
Facet: Lost Lands

Papua_mage_mapPapua_magekrFrom the Lost Lands , the pentagram is located inside the Papua Magic shop. The shop is located near the center of town. Say the word: recsu, to be transported to Moonglow Mage Shop.